27 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024

The Archaeological Site of Dion| Into the Heart of Ancient Macedonia


Dion is one of Greece’s most atmospheric archaeological sites. Established to worship Zeus, its monuments are scattered amongst greenery, trees and ponds.


Around 500m from the park, Dion’s Archaeological Museum is one of the most important in Greece, given the significance of the town. It contains the statues of the Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos (those in the park are replicas) as well as statues of Isis, Dionysos and Aphrodite. 

26 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024

The Polycentric Museum of Aigai (Vergina)| Into the Heart of Ancient Macedonia


This UNESCO-protected archaeological wonder preserves not just the palatial tombs of Philip II and other members of Macedonian royalty but also the integrity of a solemn burial mound and a museum within the tumulus.


It contains four palatial tombs (including those of Philip II and Alexander the Great’s teenage son, Alexander IV) and some of the most astonishing finds from Macedonian history: the gold larnax containing Philip’s bones (emblazoned with the Macedonian sun), his massive armour and the golden wreath he wore on his funeral pyre, almost luminous in the dimmed lighting, among them.



08 Δεκεμβρίου, 2024

Modern Historians about Macedonia – A. B. Bosworth


Now preparations for storming the city could be pressed ahead. The siege mound was gradually extended towards the walls and Alexander’s military engineers, notably the brilliant Thessalian Diades, constructed the most formidable offensive arsenal yet seen in Hellenic siege warfare.


“Conquest and Empire:The Reign of Alexander the Great”, A.B.Bosworth,page 66


Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

      Wie es anfing - Thales, Heraklit, Platon, Aristoteles     Hellenismus und Weltbürgertum - Epikur, die Stoa und Plotin         Moral u...