03 Μαΐου, 2023

Eurasische Reiche:Die märchenhaften Städte Alexanders des Großen


Im vierten Jahrhundert vor Christus hat ein junger Griechischer König von Makedonien(Mazedonien) einen Traum: Er möchte alle Völker der bis dahin bekannten Welt unter seiner Herrschaft vereinigen.

Um diesen Traum zu realisieren, startet er einen kühnen Eroberungsfeldzug durch Eurasien, ausgehend von Griechenland bis nach Indien. 


02 Μαΐου, 2023

Alexander the Great in Ancient Irish Poetry



Kuno Meyer (20 December 1858 – 11 October 1919) was a German scholar, distinguished in the field of Celtic literature.

On 1911 he published the work Selections from Ancient Irish Poetry 



Alexander the Great

Four men stood by the grave of a man,

The grave of Alexander the Proud:

They sang words without falsehood

Over the prince from fair Greece.


Said the first man of them:

‘Yesterday there were around the king

The men of the world – a sad gathering!

Though today he is alone.’


‘Yesterday the king of the brown world

Rode upon the heavy earth:

Though to-day it us the earth

That rides upon his neck.’


‘Yesterday’, said the third wise author,

‘Philip’s son owned the whole world:

Today he has nought

Save seven feet of earth’.


Alexander the liberal and great

Was wont to bestow silver and gold;

Today’ said the fourth man,

‘The gold is here and it is nought’.


Thus truly spoke the wise men

Around the grave of the high-king:

It was not foolish women’s talk

What those four sang.





Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

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