09 Μαΐου, 2023

King's College London:History of Philosophy's Greatest Hits


Episode One

 Heraclitus: You can't step into the same river twice

 Peter Adamson, Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at King's College London and host of the History of Philosophy podcast , discusses the Presocratic philosopher Heraclitus and asks whether he really believed that all things are in flux like a river.  


Episode two

Socrates: I only know that I know nothing

Peter Adamson, Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at King's College London and host of the History of Philosophy podcast,discusses Socrates and his seemingly paradoxical claim to know only that he knows nothing.



Episode three

Plato: Learning is Recollection.

Peter Adamson, Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at King's College London and host of the History of Philosophy podcast, discusses Plato's famous claim that when we seem to be learning, we are actually remembering knowledge from before we were born.  



Episode four

Aristotle: The Golden Mean

Peter Adamson, Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at King's College London and host of the History of Philosophy podcast , discusses Aristotle's idea that virtue is a mean between two extremes. 


Episode Five

Epictetus: You Can Chain My Leg, But Not My Will.

Peter Adamson,Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at King's College London and host of the History of Philosophy podcast, discusses the Stoic Epictetus and his ideas about free will.


Episode Six

Plotinus: The Ineffable One

Peter Adamson, Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at King's College London and host of the History of Philosophy podcast, discusses the transcendent First Principle envisioned by Plotinus.  



07 Μαΐου, 2023

BBC:In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great


In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great is a BBC documentary television series, first shown in 1998. Written and presented by historian and broadcaster Michael Wood, it retraced the travels of Alexander the Great, from Macedonia to the borders of India and back to Mesopotamia.  


 Son of God

Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

      Wie es anfing - Thales, Heraklit, Platon, Aristoteles     Hellenismus und Weltbürgertum - Epikur, die Stoa und Plotin         Moral u...