22 Αυγούστου, 2023

Macedonia:Salonika And Its Surroundings (1915 -1917)


Salonika (Thessaloniki), Greece during World War One.


People stroll in park next to harbour, large houses in background.   Another view with ancient fortress in background.  Shot of a few young men standing beneath large arch, pan up to show top of arch.  Another huge arch straddling a street, electric tram and various pedestrians.  Unidentified soldiers (uniforms similar to  French but with fez), they march down narrow street.

Busy street scene with many pedestrians including soldiers of Greek army.  Shot of wider street showing houses of the rich, large & white behind fences, soldier on bike and a few  pedestrians walk up it.  More shots urban working class area: low angled shot crooked cobblestone street, upper stories of buildings hang over street, children and soldiers walk past in foreground.

Panning shot from buildings in foreground to a large structure looming behind - maybe a church  / mosque.   Serbian Army soldiers and civilian men in arcade of shops with arched roof.  Many men & boys in market street, one man carrying large bundle.  MS 2 French soldiers at market stall, also Greek men & boys.  Shot of interior market.  Residential street, working class, woman & child hurry past, men walking.  Outside town, wide shot panning of ancient wall surrounding open area with a few buildings inside.   

21 Αυγούστου, 2023

Macedonia:The ancient city of Pella



© Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πέλλας

Macedonia:Military Decree of Amphipolis


Amphipolis — ca. 200 BC Meletemata 22, Epig. App. 12 SEG 40.524 

The Military Decree of Amphipolis (ca. 200 BC) is a Macedonian Greek inscription of two marble blocks, that originally contain at least three columns of text. It preserves a list of regulations governing the behaviour and discipline of the Macedonian army in camp.


  • τούς μή φέροντας τι τῶν καθηκόντων αὐτοῖς ὅπλων ζημιούτωσαν κατά τα γεγραμμένα· κοτθύβου ὀβολούς δύο, κώνου τό ἴσον, σαρίσης ὀβολούς τρεῖς, μαχαίρας τό ἴσον, κνημίδων ὀβολούς δύο, ἀσπίδος δραχμήν. Ἑπί δέ τῶν ἡγεμόνων τῶν τε δεδηλωμένων ὅπλων τό διπλοῦν καὶ θώρακος δραχμάς δύο, ἡμιθωρακίου δραχμήν. Λαμβανέτωσαν δέ τήν ζημίαν οἱ γραμματεῖς καὶ οἱ ἀρχυ[πηρέτ]αι, παραδείξαντες τῶι βασιλεῖ τούς ἠθετηκότας        



  •  those not bearing the weapons appropriate to them are to be fined according to the regulations: for the kotthybos, two obols, the same amount for the konos, three obols for the sarissa, the same for the makhaira, for the knemides two obols, for the aspis a drachma. In the case of hegemons (officers), double for the arms mentioned, two drachmas for the thorax, a drachma for the hemithorakion. The secretaries (grammateis) and the chief assistants (archyperetai) shall exact the penalty, after indicating the transgressors to the King (basileus)    



Other military terms mentioned are: ephodos (inspection patrol), ekkoition (“out-of-bed”, LSJ: night-watch), stegnopoiia (building the barracks), skenopoiia (tent-making), phragmos (fencing in), diastasis, phylax (guard), hypaspists, parembole, stratopedon (camp), speirarch (commander of a speira), tetrarch, and the strategoi.




Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

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