19 Οκτωβρίου, 2023

Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος στις ελληνικές δραχμές


16.04.1956 - Alexander the Great in Modern Greek Bank Note of one thousand Drachmas

1918 - Alexander the Great in Modern Greek Bank Note of two Drachmas  

1921  – Alexander the Great in Modern Greek Bank Note of fifty Drachmas

1923 – Alexander the Great in Modern Greek Bank Note of Five Drachmas

 18.06.1941 – Alexander the Great Wearing the Horn of Ammon in Modern Greek Bank Note of two Drachmas

1-10-1941 – Alexander the Great in Modern Greek Bank Note of one thousand Drachmas


16 - 04 - 1956 


18 Οκτωβρίου, 2023

Modern historians about Macedonia – J. E. G. Whitehorne


Perdiccas II was one of five sons of Alexander I, the king who had first proved the hellenic bona fides of the Argead House to the game marshals at Olympia. Despite a subsequent blot upon his record as a good Greek when he failed to join in immediate pursuit of the defeated Persians as they withdrew through his territories in 479/8 BC


Out of the rich spoils of his victory over them he was able to dedicate solid gold statues of himself at the major Greek shrines of Delphi and Olympia.


The inherent value of these splendid monuments (incidentally the earliest know portait statues of a Greek ruler) has ensured they have long since dissapeared, but their dedication was enough to secure Alexander’s hellenic status for all time.


“Cleopatras”, by  John Edwin George Whitehorne,page 15


17 Οκτωβρίου, 2023

Modern Historians about Macedonia – L.S. Stavrianos



Recent philological and archaeological research indicates that the ancient Macedonians were in fact Greeks, whose civilization had not kept up with that of the tribes which had settled further to the south. Their language closely resembled the classical Greek from which it differed no more than one English dialect from another.

Various non-Greek peoples apparently had come under the rule of the Macedonian nobles and kings, but these latter definitely were Greeks in language and outlook, and invited Greek men of learning to their courts.


“The Balkans since 1453” by L.S. Stavrianos,page 18 

First edition:1958

Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

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