of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
“Alexander was Greek,profoundly Greek,product of the greater Greece that he envisaged”
literary evidence for these early years is sparse, but what there is seems to
accord with archaeological opinion that the Macedonian tribes ousted the
indigenous peoples of the area and established themselves at Aegae near the
Thermaic Gulf where they coalesced into an identifiable nation. Scholarship has
long been divided on the question of whether these people were really
Greeks-certainly the Greeks at the time were reluctant to give them status as
true Hellenes.
Occupation:The Policies and Practices of Military Conquerors,page 54- 55
Book by
Eric Carlton,Routledge,1992
Wie es anfing - Thales, Heraklit, Platon, Aristoteles Hellenismus und Weltbürgertum - Epikur, die Stoa und Plotin Moral u...