the Great is one of the most celebrated figures of classical antiquity.
Born in a
remote kingdom in northern Greece, as one of several royal sons,Alexander
displayed leadership abilities at an early age and carved out a role for
himself as heir to the Macedonian throne.Following the death of his father,Philip
II,Alexander III secured the whole of Greece and prepared to lead its allied
states against the massive Persian empire.
Alan Fildes and Joann Fletcher, Alexander the Great, Son of the Gods, page 6
Everywhere he went, Alexander founded Greek cities. By the time he died he ruled over the greatest empire the world has ever seen-an empire composed of millions of ethnically diverse peoples were united by a common Greek tongue.
Alan Fildes and Joann Fletcher, Alexander the Great,Son of the Gods,page 7
Located in the northern extremity of Greece, and cut off from its neighbours by its mountainous terrain, ancient Macedonia’s relative isolation produced a distinctly seperate culture. Although the Macedonians spoke a Greek dialect, worshipped Greek gods and traced their nation’s origins from Olympian gods, their customes and northern Doric accent were markedly different from those of the people of the rest of Greece, who saw the Macedonia as a largely insignificant, backward monarchy, to be looked upon with suspicion, Yet this was the kingdom that produced Alexander the Great, the most powerful ruler Greece would ever know.
Alan Fildes and Joann Fletcher, Alexander the Great, Son of the Gods, page 12