21 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Modern historians about Macedonia – Max Cary


“The future relations between the two peoples had been irrevocably fixed by Alexander’s Anabasis, which destined them to work together in close co-operation as joint rulers of the East, and eventually to be blended into one Nation.“

Max  Cary, A History of the Greek World from 323-146 B.C. page 10



In 197 he re-entered Thessaly and forced a battle on the field of Cynoscephalae. In this encounter the Macedonian heavy infantry proved that in a solid front-to-front charge not even the Roman legions could hold, but that, once thrown out of order or taken in flank, it became helpless. While one Macedonian Phalanx charged right home, another broke itself up by its own impetus and became an easy prey to the enemy; and the victorious division, without cavalry support on the flanks, was enfiladed and cut to pieces by the succcessful Roman wing wheeling upon it. This was the first decisive victory of  Romans over Greeks  in a set battle on a large scale; but it sufficed definitely to establish Roman ascendancy in Greece.

Max  Cary, “A History of the Greek World from 323-146 B.C.”, page 191 

A History of the Greek World from 325 to 146 B.C.

by  Cary Max ,publication date:1932


A History of the Greek World from 323 to 146 B.C. (1951) looks at the period of Greek history from the Macedonian to the Roman conquests. It contains a narrative of the political history of the Hellenistic states; a description of their statecraft, war-craft and economic practice; and a summary of later Greek achievement in the fields of art, literature, science, philosophy and religion. 


19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Modern historians about Macedonia – Chester G. Starr


The religius complex of Karnak is perhaps the most extensive ever created in the western world, and additions were still made to it in the days of Greek rule after Alexander.

‘A History of the Ancient World’ ,Chester G. Starr, page 92



In a broader view, Alexander’s meteoric conquests were an explosion of the Greek world.Earlier in the fourth century, Persia had appeared strong and Hellas weak; but this situation, born of Greek disunit, had actuall been the reverse of reality, Once Philip had forcibly drawn the Greeks together, his son could move swiftly.

‘A History of the Ancient World’ ,Chester G. Starr, page 394




09 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Άλκηστις Πρωτοψάλτη - Αυτό το φως δεν λιγοστεύει


Άλκηστις Πρωτοψάλτη - Αυτό το φως δεν λιγοστεύει

Official Video Clip HD | © 2014 Heaven Music S.A. Greece

Μουσική:Νίκος Αντύπας,Στίχοι:Μιχάλης Γκανάς

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