02 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

Φιλαρμονική Εταιρεία Κερκύρας:Μακεδονία Ξακουστή στον Λευκό Πύργο


Φιλαρμονική Εταιρεία Κερκύρας (Παλαιά)

Μακεδονία Ξακουστή

Διασκευή: ΙΠ. Αθανασιάδης

Εμφάνιση στο Λευκό Πύργο μετά τη Στρατιωτική Παρέλαση

Θεσσαλονίκη - 28η Οκτωβρίου 2023

Επικεφαλής: Αρχιμουσικός Σπύρος Προσωπάρης

Λήψη: Θεόδωρος Λάκης


01 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

Macedonia:Ethnographic map of Heinrich Kiepert (1878)


Rare ethnographic map  by the  German cartographer,Heinrich Kiepert depicting Balkans


(a) The ethnographic maps of the  famous cartographer who was distinguished for the scientific value of his maps,  depicts the region of Macedonia. as being inhabited primarily by Greeks and secondly by Bulgarians.  

(b) neither Kiepert in his time knew any fictitious “Macedonian” nationality. On the contrary the Slavs of his time were Bulgarians and Serbs.

Geographer Heinrich Kiepert (1818-1899) is generally reckoned one of the more important scholarly cartographers of the second half of the 19th century. The fame attached to the name of this renowned German geographer and cartographer, H dates from the appearance of his distinguished Atlas von Hellas (1846).

Kiepert acquired one of his interests-the historical geography of the classical world-in his student days at the University of Berlin, where he worked with Carl Ritter (1779-1859). Ritter and Kiepert produced what appears to have been one of the first modern atlases of the ancient Greek world, Topographisch-historischer Atlas von Hellas und den hellenischen Colonien in 24 Blättern (1840-1846). Several additional compilations of maps of the classical world followed: Bibel-Atlas (1847); Historisch-geographischer Atlas der alten Welt (1848); Atlas antiquus (1854); Formae orbis antiqui (1893); and Formae urbis Romae antiquae (1896). Many of these works were reissued in numerous editions, including translations.

Another major interest was the Ottoman Empire, where Kiepert travelled numerous times, gathering enough data to produce several major maps of the Ottoman world between the 1840s and 1890s.


More Infos about Heinrich Kiepert’s life are found in the University of Chicago Library  (The Maps of Heinrich Kiepert )

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