13 Ιουνίου, 2024

Modern historians about Macedonia – Thomas R. Martin


Philip never achieved his goal of conquering Persia, because he was murdered in 336, before he could begin that quest. It was his son, Alexander the Great (ruled 336–323 b.c.), who astonished the world by making Philip’s dream come true. 



Alexander’s awe-inspiring conquests reached from Greece to the western border of India and convinced him that he had achieved the status of a god. 



Alexander died unexpectedly in 323, before he had a mature heir to succeed him as king of Macedonia and without having put into place a permanent restructuring of governance in Greece to suit the new political conditions of the world in the late fourth century b.c.


 Thomas R.Martin,“Ancient Greece From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times  (1996) ,pages 221-223

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