“Before the
times of the national unity installed by the Macedonians around the middle of
the 4th century BC, Greece was composed of many regions or city states[…]
That they [Dorians] were related to the North-West Dialects (of Phocis, Locris, Aetolia, Acarnania and Epirus) was not perceived clearly by the ancients. “
page 439
History of the Language Sciences / Geschichte der
Sprachwissenschaften / Histoire des sciences du langage
An International Handbook on the Evolution of the
Study of Language from the Beginnings to the Present / Ein internationales
Handbuch zur Entwicklung der Sprachforschung von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
Edited by: Sylvain Auroux,E.F.K.Koerner,Hans-Josef Niederehe and Kees Versteegh
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