10 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

Modern Historians about Macedonia – John Clarke Stobart



His Macedonians murmured at his Oriental dress and manners, but Alexander was always a Greek at heart, the lines of Homer always rang in his ears, and he fancied himself a reincarnation of Achilles pursuing his Phrygian Hectors over the dusty plains of Troy.

page 243



Oriental life and language continued, but in the towns and for purposes of government both the language and the civilisation were Greek. Thus Alexander had done his work. He had actually added the whole of Asia Minor, Phœnicia, and Egypt to the Greek world. Curious traces of Hellenism are found even in distant India.

page 244


The Glory that was Greece: A Survey of Hellenic Culture & Civilisation by Stobart, J. C.  Lippincott ,1911

09 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

Modern Historians about Macedonia – A. R. Burn



Macedonian Kings were proud of their Greek blood and it was only jaundiced  opponents  like Demosthenes the Athenian who ventured  to call them  ‘’barbarians’’.

Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic world. by A. R. Burn,page 4

08 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

I Was Sent to Athens by Henry Morgenthau (1929)



Soon after Athens had reached the height of its glory under Pericles in the Fifth Century, B. C., and had started on its decline, the rise of Macedon under Philip carried Greek influence into new regions. The glory of Athens had been based upon sea power, but the conquests of Macedon were the work of land armies— Philip invented the invincible phalanx.


 Upon Philip's death his son, Alexander the Great, set forth to conquer the whole of the then known world, and as that world in his day lay to the east, his marches were in that direction. In a few years he had overrun the fertile plains and opulent cities of Asia Minor, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia, and had carried his conquests to the gates of Delhi.


 In all the cities in the intervening countries he left large garrisons of Greek soldiers. In many of these countries he founded flourishing new cities. In every place his soldiers were followed by large colonies of Greek civilians. The result was that the whole of western Asia, and of what we call the Near East, including Asia Minor Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Persia, and northwestern India, was saturated with the Greek influence and with Greek colonies.  

 I Was Sent to Athens by Henry Morgenthau,1929, 1st edition,Doubleday,USA

Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

      Wie es anfing - Thales, Heraklit, Platon, Aristoteles     Hellenismus und Weltbürgertum - Epikur, die Stoa und Plotin         Moral u...