10 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

Modern Historians about Macedonia – John Clarke Stobart



His Macedonians murmured at his Oriental dress and manners, but Alexander was always a Greek at heart, the lines of Homer always rang in his ears, and he fancied himself a reincarnation of Achilles pursuing his Phrygian Hectors over the dusty plains of Troy.

page 243



Oriental life and language continued, but in the towns and for purposes of government both the language and the civilisation were Greek. Thus Alexander had done his work. He had actually added the whole of Asia Minor, Phœnicia, and Egypt to the Greek world. Curious traces of Hellenism are found even in distant India.

page 244


The Glory that was Greece: A Survey of Hellenic Culture & Civilisation by Stobart, J. C.  Lippincott ,1911

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