02 Ιουλίου, 2023

The Great Greek Myths


Zeus and the Conquest of Power  

Zeus in Love 

Prometheus - The Rebel of Olympus 

Hades - A Reluctant King  

Athena - Armed Wisdom  

Apollo - Shadow and Light  

Aphrodite - Dictated by Desire  

Dionysus - An Outsider in the City  

Hermes - The Impenetrable Messenger  

Tartarus - The Damned of the Earth  

Psyche - Beauty and the Beast 

Perseus - The Look of Death  

Orpheus - A Hymn of Impossible Love 

Medea - Murderous Love  

Bellerophon - The Man Who Wanted to be a God 

Theseus - The Ravages of Oversight  

Dedalus & Icarus - A Shattered Dream 

Heracles - The Man Who Became a God    

Oedipus - The Riddle Solver  

Antigone - The Woman Who Said No  


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