05 Ιανουαρίου, 2025

Modern Historians about Macedonia – Robin Osborne


After that victory Philip imposed his own conditions on the whole Greek mainland, making a treaty with all significant cities except Sparta, the so-called ‘League of Corinth’. This treaty obliged the Greek cities to provide soldiers for Philip’s campaigns, but it did not, contrary to what had been feared at Athens, interfere with the constitutions of the individual cities.

Greek History Classical Foundations Series,Robin Osborne,Routledge,2004,page 127


Although Macedonians were accepted as Greek, after some discussion, for the purposes of competing at the Olympic games, and although the language of the Macedonians appears most probably to have been a dialect of Greek related to the dialects of north-west Greek, some Macedonian customs were distinct.

Greek History Classical Foundations Series,Robin Osborne,Routledge,2004,page 127

04 Ιανουαρίου, 2025

Modern Historians about Macedonia – Rosalie and Anthony E. David


The history of ancient Egyptian civilisation covers a period from c.3100 BC to the conquest of the country by Alexander the Great in 332 BC. Before the Dynastic Period (beginning c.3100 BC), the communities laid the foundations for the later great advances in technological, political, religious and artistic developments; this is generally referred to as the Predynastic Period (c.5000-3100 BC). 

After *Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC, the country was ruled by a line of Macedonian Greeks who descended from *Alexander’s general, Ptolemy (who became *Ptolemy I) .
The last of this dynasty, *Cleopatra VII, failed to prevent the absorption of Egypt into the Roman Empire in 30 BC, and subsequently Egypt was ruled by Rome as a province.

Rosalie and Anthony E. David, ‘A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt’,Routledge,1991


03 Ιανουαρίου, 2025

Modern Historians about Macedonia – Francis Sydney Marvin


With the conquests of Alexander the Great more than the dream of Isocrates became actual fact. A Hellene was now lord over a vast tract of Asia. What attitude would the Hellene in these new circumstances take up to the barbarian?

It is interesting that Aristotle had advised Alexander to adopt a markedly different attitude towards Greeks and towards Asiatics. To the Greeks he was to show himself a leader (ἡγεμών), but to the Asiatics a despotic master (δεσπότης).

 Francis Sydney Marvin,‘’Western Races and the World’’,page 57

Hans-Georg Gadamer erzählt die Geschichte der Philosophie

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