05 Νοεμβρίου, 2023

Modern Historians about Macedonia – Bernard Randall



‘’yet in the thirteen years of his reign as king Alexander III of Macedon, he went from ruler of the leading state in Greece to conqueror of the biggest empire the world had ever seen.’’

page 7 


he believed himself to be the son of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods

page 7



He made Egypt and the middle east parts of the greek world, and he initiated the spread of Greek ideas and philosophy far beyong Greece

page 8



Where as the Athenians governed themselves as a democracy, Macedon was still ruled by a type of monarchy that had dissapeared from other greek city-states centuries before

page 10

Alexander the Great: Macedonian King and Conqueror

Ancient Leaders Series

Leaders of ancient Greece

Bernard Randall

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