12 Φεβρουαρίου, 2023

Manifesto from the Provisional Government of Macedonia in 1878 (Litochoro of Olympus)

In 19th February of 1878, the Macedonians of Litochoro in Olympus, proud of their Greek Ethnicity,  took up arms and started a revolution, in order to unite with their motherland Greece. They formed a Provisional Government of Macedonia, under the presidency of Evangelos Korovangos. They appealed to Greece and the European Powers to make their dream true and unite with their motherland Greece.  All this took place at the same period that Turkey was about to sign the Treaty of San Stefano which allowed Russia to give Macedonia to Bulgaria.

Members of the Provisional Government of Macedonia were: The President Evangelos Korovangos from Litochoro,  Doctor Athanasios Asteriou from Livadi of Olympus,  Georgios Zachariades, Giannis Nikolaou, Giannis Vergidis from Skotina, Doctor Demetrios Sakellaridis and Nikolaos Mitsios from the Monastery of Petra. Members were the Monastic priest Nikephoros and the priest Athanasios Georgiou. Later Nikolaos Lousis was added as a member. The decision was signed also by 40  Macedonian representatives of villages from Pieria, Olympus, Velvendous of Kozani and the Livadi of Olympus.

The Provisional Government of Macedonia addressed the following Manfesto to the European Powers:






To the Governments of the European powers


The long lasting sufferings which the respectable governments have heard about from their representatives, and which by now have reached a state of stressful despair, have obliged the inhabitants of Macedonia to take up arms in order to defend their lives, their honour and property. Calling a meeting today the representatives of the various communities in Macedonia, overthrew the Sultan’s tyrannical authority, declared the union of Macedonia with mother Greece, and chose us in order to form the Provisional Government of the revolution with the obligation to ask from the Christian super powers their mighty protection for the justification of our fight…(Macedonia) is ready to be freed and connected to mother Greece, even if it needs to be delivered to fire and disaster rather than continue living under the tyranny of various Turkish notables. They destroyed and violated the honour and sanctity of family life. All promises and obligations that the Turkish authorities gave to its subjects have proved by now to be nothing more than purposely sly and deceptive. The Turkish government has several times granted rights but tyranny has never been loosened. On the contrary, our misfortunes became endless and horrible because this government has neither power nor authority. Therefore, we were forced to seek our arms so that we may die as men as Greeks if we are not allowed to live like logical and free men.


[Signed] In Litochoro, Mt. Olympus [on] 19th February, 1878 [by the members of]


The Provisional Government of Macedonia:


Evangelos Korovangos, President;

A. Asteriou;

G.V. Zahariadis;

Nikiforos, Monastic priest;

Athanasios Georgiou;

Ioannis G. Vergidis;

Giannis Nikolaou


We ask the Consul General of Greece to read [and transmit] the present document.





  • Konstantinos Douflias, Macedonia, Macedonian Struggle, Greece-Macedonia 4000 Years, 1992, Aegean Publications, Pages 81, 84, 116, and 117

  • Accounts and papers of the House of Commons, Great Britain. Parliament, page 47



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